Tomas Schmit published since 1962 pieces actions concepts language things texts books
editions and drawings and was one of the pioneers of the Fluxus movement. Between 1978 and 2006
he described his work in four catalogues raisonnés that introduce his art and his thinking.
katalog 1 (1978) katalog 2 (1987) and katalog 3 (1997) were published on the occasion of his
larger solo exhibitions in Cologne Berlin and Frankfurt katalog 4 was published posthumously
in 2007 at the Museum Ludwig in Cologne. For the Tomas Schmit Retrospective in Berlin (from
September 15 2021 at n.b.k. and the Kupferstichkabinett Berlin) these legendary artist's books
will be released in a slipcase in a small edition. katalog 4 was re-illustrated for this