The Greek-Slavonic-Latin Lexicon compiled by the Ruthenian monk Epifanii Slavinetskii (d. 1675
Moscow) is a valuable historical witness to the development of written language in the Early
Modern East Slavic world. This study represents the first in-depth exploration of the
dictionary's linguistic profile and structure. It addresses topics related to multilingualism
language attitudes and language contact with reference to the dictionary's lexical material
and presents a systematic analysis of its sources which comprise Western European reference
works as well as Greek and Slavonic manuscripts and printed texts. Emphasis is additionally
placed on specifically Ruthenian elements on multiple levels of language. The investigation of
these topics enables us not only to revise and substantiate certain assumptions about Epifanii
Slavinetskii and his legacy but also opens a new window onto the interaction of written idioms
in the Early Modern Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Muscovy.