In almost 100 years between 1815 and1914 some seven million Germans came to America. The
immigrants of the first and second generation attached importance to integration in their new
home country. Their descendants however developed a new awareness of their German roots. From
Renquishausen there were at least 102 persons known by name who set out for the crossing of
the Atlantic Ocean to the New World. Taken into consideration that the town s average
population was 428 persons 24% of the inhabitants emigrated between 1847 and 1929. What where
the reasons that forced nearly every fourth inhabitant of Renquishausen to leave his or her
hometown to separate from family and friends and to dare the expensive and risky journey into
an uncertain future?Das Buch ist auch auf Deutsch unter dem Titel We's selmol war... Band 3:
Vom Heuberg in die Neue Welt erhältlich.