The book is a pictorial historiography of the British occupation of Berlin from 1945-1994 with
insights and detailed information on the military and political status of the city. With
previously unpublished documents and photographs it reveals every facet of British life at the
Wall from the garrison's daily routine the surveillance activities of the Military Mission
(BRIXMIS) behind the Iron Curtain the YAK 28 coup and the SIS CIA spy tunnel operation
exposed by KGB's top spy George Blake. Additionally it discloses the British defence strategy
(FIBUA) for its sector revealing new and unpublished insights. Berlin as a city deep inside
the Soviet Zone enclosed by the notorious Berlin Wall from 1961 was the stage of Cold War
operations spy tunnels and high security radar stations penetrating the Warsaw Pact. It
discloses the British Garrison's contradictory engagement between post-war obligations in
cooperating with the Soviets Berlin Air Safety Centre and Spandau Allied Prison at the same
time preparing for war.