Asraful Haque presents a new offline signature verification technique based on dividing the
signature image into blocks. Every block is represented by a set of features like number of
pixels in each block block-center and distance from the image center. Each feature type has a
different impact for assigning a certain weight to a block. The system is easy to implement
since its requirements are very feasible. In the last few decades many approaches have been
developed to verify off-line signatures automatically. Unfortunately these concepts are
under-utilized as they do not achieve a good classi?cation accuracy that is acceptable in real
life applications. Haque s method has the potential to become a framework for a fast and
accurate automatic signature verification system. Dynamic properties of this verification
system make it more powerful and secure because no single attribute of the verifiers is fixed.
Center of the image and tolerance level in distance varies from image to image. Experimental
results show that the method eliminates random and simple forgeries and reduces skilled forgery
to a great extent. The new technique is useful for any organization like a bank where a large
amount of signatures has to be verified manually. The accuracy of the system is 92.92% which is
quite better than any existing system. According to Haque there is still room for future
modification in this technique. The book is especially useful for students or researchers
interested in pattern recognition.