Since the world chess champions excel in all areas of the game it goes without saying that you
can learn the most not only from their skills in the opening and the middlegame but also from
their superb handling of the endgame. Regardless of whether they were renowned tacticians or
excellent positional players - regardless of whether they analyzed their openings in depth or
played them more intuitively: it is completely out of the question that any of them could have
reached the highest title without perfectly handling the endgame. In order to enable his
readers to learn from the world champions the author has concentrated on their individual
'specialities' - such as Petrosian's unmistakable instinct in questions of the right exchange
and his skills in the endgame '¿+¿ vs ¿+¥' on Spassky's handling of the initiative Fischer's
precision in the so-called 'Fischer endgame' with '¿+¥ vs ¿+¿' on Karpov's dominance and
restriction methods Kasparov's attacks on the king with reduced material Kramnik's strategic
power play especially on a weakened color complex on Anand's unrelenting pressure play and -
last but not least - Carlsen's technique in the so-called 'Carlsen endgame' with rooks and
same-colored bishops. In addition all sorts of 'evergreen classics' of the players are offered
some of which appear in a new light thanks to current analyzes. The reader is also given the
ideal training opportunity of numerous exercises to put himself in the shoes of the world
champions and to look for solutions himself. Since the model of the '4 types of players'
(activist pragmatic theorist and reflector) is also dis- cussed in the margin additional
information can be obtained about the impor- tance of this topic especially in the endgame.
And with this in mind the Romanian GM and endgame expert Mihail Marin invites you in his
foreword not just to take a look at the most outstanding end- game achievements of the world
champions but also to enjoy them. Volume 2 contains 292 combinations and many fully annotated
sample games.