Educational support in Europe across borders ¿ how can it succeed? Over the past 30 years the
field of cross-border individual support which was mainly developed in Germany has
established itself as a multi-faceted and promising approach. However the heterogeneous legal
situation as well as the cultural differences in wonderfully colourful Europe require a high
degree of effective cooperation in order to successfully manage and implement this form of
support. The aim of this publication is to provide an up-to-date overview of the field of work.
Above all European stakeholders are to be addressed and invited with the intention of reviving
the on occasion deadlocked dialogues. The publication is divided into three parts: The
individual passages at the beginning of the volume some of which are very moving tell about
the challenging work that carers do together with the young people in the project placements.
They shed light on the microcosm of Individualised Social Pedagogy support measures and explain
what Individualised Social Pedagogy work means in practice how it is experienced by the people
involved and what opportunities it can offer in individual cases. In another part stakeholders
from science politics and organisations provide information on various overarching facets.
These include for example schooling opportunities during stays abroad qualifications for
pedagogical professionals and cross-border cooperation models. The actual starting point of
this publication is presented in the concluding part: In his legal opinion Prof. Dr. Dr.
Reinhard Wiesner takes a close look at the consultation procedure that decisively regulates the
cross-border placement of minors within the EU. He relates the procedure ¿ better known as
¿Brussels IIä ¿ to the legal foundations of German child and youth welfare law and illuminates
and comments on existing dissonances. The publication is supported and promoted by the two
German umbrella and professional associations Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Individualpädagogik
e.V. (AIM) [Federal Working Group for Individualised and Experiential Pedagogy] and
Bundesverband Individual- und Erlebnispädagogik e. V. (be) [Federal Association for
Individualised and Experiential Pedagogy].