These cards are based on the classic tarot deck. A special feature of this game is - besides
the pug illustrations - two additional cards which are The Loyalty and The Unicorn. In addition
special laying techniques can be used for interpretation which we developed especially for the
Mops Tarot. You can ask the Mops Tarot cards by using the formation of the Bowl or the Paw or -
even with more detail - the decision of the Unicorn. The cards can be asked in many ways for
example using the very classic oracle type according to tendencies. The Paw is very well suited
for this or for in between the little bone also to describe a current state or to recognize
alternative perspectives. Current thoughts and questions that concern us can be focused well
with the decision of the unicorn. This Mops Tarot deck differs in its symbolism from the
classic tarot game. This is due to the Mops who of course is involved in all Major and Minor
Arcana. The following symbols apply to him: The mandatory pentacles are represented in this
deck as Sausages (Würste). Why is that? Because the pentacle (coin) is only valuable to humans
for a dog or even a pug it is worthless. A sausage however carries great value for our
classic Tarot pug. The swords convert to bones (Knochen) in the Mops Tarot. This is due to the
fact that a pug can play nibble or fight in play with a bone - not with a sword. Here cups
turn obviously into bowls (Napf). Their meaning is at least as big as the one of the sausages.
Of course it is of great importance if these bowls are filled - with food or treats - or if
they are empty or even knocked over... The wands turn into sticks (Stöckchen). Explaining is
unnecessary in this case due to the Tarot Wand being way too long for the pug. But with a
little stick he has a lot more options. The Tarot Mops can play with it show off threaten
fight or even nibble on it. 24 cards represent the Major Arcana which show the wisdom of the
Tarot through their symbols. The Minor Mops Arcana cover 56 cards that are divided into four
suits. Each of these suits consist of 10 pip cards and 4 court cards. The court cards contain
Mops Page Mops Knight Mops Queen and Mops King. Character traits are assigned to the cards
which are determined and refined by the symbolism of the Mops Tarot elements sausages bones
bowls and sticks: All Mops Pages symbolize character traits such as being childlike immature
playful and carefree. These traits can be interpreted as persons with these characteristics
often however they also indicate opportunities. Mops Knights symbolize impulsiveness
emotionality and sometimes aggression depending on the context. The young adult or teenager who
wants to achieve his goals but acts impulsively and uncontrollably finds its definition in the
Mops Knight. As already mentioned an interpretation can describe people with these
characteristics but often moods and dispositions can be referred to. The Mops Queens represent
femininity emotion and intuition. Depending on the element that is related the
characteristic of this card is refined. Therefore the Mops Queen of bones is much braver and
bolder than the Mops Queen of bowls who due to the element of water acts more reserved
emotional and intuitive. During an interpretation the Mops Queens may symbolize persons that
surround us with these features and sometimes even us. Strength power authority are the
characteristics of the Mops Kings. Just as mentioned for the Mops Queens the interpretation of
a Mops King card depends on the particular element that joins the Mops King for his attribute.
Therefore the Mops King of bones will be dominant and self-conscious while the Mops King of
bowls is more empathic vulnerable and sensitive. During an interpretation the Mops Kings may
symbolize persons that surround us with these features and sometimes even us.