Volume 10 is part of a multi compendium Edible Medicinal and Non-Medicinal Plants. This work is
of significant interest to medical practitioners pharmacologists ethnobotanists
horticulturists food nutritionists botanists agriculturists conservationists and general
public. 59 plant species with edible modified stems roots and bulbs in the families
Amaranthaceae Cannaceae Cibotiaceae Convolvulaceae Cyperaceae Dioscoreaceae Euphorbiaceae
Fabaceae Iridaceae Lamiaceae Marantaceae Nelumbonaceae Nyctaginaceae Nymphaeaceae
Orchidaceae Oxalidaceae Piperaceae Poaceae Rubiaceae Simaroubaceae Solanaceae
Tropaeolaceae Typhaceae and Zingiberaceae. Topics covered include: taxonomy common
vernacular names origin distribution agroecology edible plant parts uses botany nutritive
medicinal properties nonedible uses and selected references.