This book summarizes science and technology of a new generation of high-energy andinsensitive
explosives. The objective is to provide professionals with comprehensiveinformation on the
synthesis and the physicochemical and detonation properties ofthe explosives. Potential
technologies applicable for treatment of contaminated wastestreams from manufacturing
facilities and environmental matrices are also be included.This book provides the reader an
insight into the depth and breadth of theoreticaland empirical models and experimental
techniques currently being developed in thefield of energetic materials. It presents the latest
research by DoD engineers andscientists and some of DoD's academic and industrial researcher
partners. The topicsexplored and the simulations developed or modified for the purposes of
energetics mayfind application in other closely related fields such as the pharmaceutical
industry.One of the key features of the book is the treatment of wastewaters generated
duringmanufacturing of these energetic materials.