Huesca (Spain) is the most northern and most diverse of Aragon's three provinces. It covers
both the wild High Pyrenees their wooded foothills and the steppes in the basin of the Ebro.
There are few areas in Europe with such a diversity of landscapes and of flora and fauna. From
the alpine heights of Ordesa to dry semi-desert of Belchite this guidebooks shows you the
bestsites and reveals their flora and fauna.Like all other Crossbill Guides this title answers
two questions: what makes this area so special and how you can see this for yourself. It
includes many detailed routes and sites with concrete indications on where and how to find the
birds wildlife and flora._ 21 routes (car and walk)_ 26 site descriptions_ Where to watch
birds information_ Finding butterflies wildflowers reptiles etc._ Detailed background
information on landscape and ecology