Almost persuaded|Blessed assurance|Break thou the bread of life|Faith of our fathers|Fight the
good fight|For the beauty of the earth|Give me that old time religion|Holy bible book
divine|Holy god we praise thy name|I am bound for the promised land|I am resolved|I love thy
kingdom lord|In the sweet bye and bye|Jesus calls us|Jesus is all the world to me|Jesus lover
of my soul|Jesus shall reign|Joy joy joy|Just a closer walk with thee|Just as I am|Little brown
church|More love to thee|My faith looks up to thee|Near the cross|O how I love Jesus|Oh worship
the king|Onward Christian soldiers|Praise to the lord the almighty|Rock a my soul|Safely
through another week|Savior like a shepherd lead us|Shall we gather at the river|Softly and
tenderly|Stand up stand up for Jesus|Wayfaring stranger|We gather together|What a friend|What
wondrous love|When I survey the wondrous cross|Work for the night is coming|Ye watchers and ye
holy ones