Develop and refine your comprehensive online marketing plan With more than 800 content-packed
pages Digital Marketing All-in-One For Dummies is the most comprehensive tool for marketers
looking to beef up their online presence. In this edition you'll learn the latest trends in
digital marketing strategies including brand new insight on how to incorporate artificial
intelligence into your marketing plans. You'll also get the latest information on how to manage
your customers' experiences create exceptional marketing content get help from influencers
and leverage social accounts for more followers and greater profits. With the help of this
friendly Dummies guide you'll accelerate your journey from traditional to digital marketing
processes uncover tips to prove ROI of marketing activities and increase audience engagement.
* Build and implement a winning digital plan for your brand * Learn how to establish an online
presence with social media * Turn online prospects into loyal customers * Target consumers in
any market segment and age bracket Dig into the latest marketing advice as you provide your
potential and existing customers the kind of personal experience you look for as a customer.