As society evolves in the direction of innovation digital influence and rapid information
delivery workplaces must follow suit in order to remain relevant and engaging to modern
employees. Bill Fox a thought leader and author with decades of experience in the business
world has interviewed 31 global business leaders about how they create workplaces that
continue to adapt with the times where each team thrives at each level. These lessons go
beyond the limitations of best practices and working smarter and instead focus on insights and
strategies to bridge the gap between the Industrial Age and the new Forward-Thinking Age. The
Future of the Workplace offers advice for the leaders managers and employees of both today
and tomorrow. Fox discusses macro and micro topics with influential figures such as Howard
Behar former president of Starbucks Steph Holloway body language and communication expert
David Marquet author of Turn the Ship Around John Bell former CEO of Jacobs Suchard Perry
Marshall author of Evolution 2.0 and many more. You will gain applicable tools to shift
attitudes and bring transformative change to your organization creating a productive and
realistic future for both your team and yourself. The very nature of the dynamic between
employer and employee is divergent from what it was merely 10 years ago. Perspectives from
different members of multiple types of teams and company structures are offered in this book in
order to ensure a well-rounded view of how the future of workplaces can best accommodate
everybody. The world is significantly shifting in personal economic and political ways and
The Future of the Workplace is your guide to effectively embracing these new challenges for the
better. What You Will Learn Shares new insights to help resolve some of today's most vexing
workplace challenges Reveals perspectives from different members on a team on how the workplace
has evolved Learn how to trigger change to create a more adequate and healthy workplace
environment Who This Book Is ForAnyone looking for new and better ways to transform the
workplace including consultants managers and leaders