101 Hit Songs für Querflöte ist eine umfangreiche Sammlung von beliebten klassischen Stücken
zum Lernen und Spielen im leichten Schwierigkeitsbereich. Songauswahl: Ave Maria (Bach Gounod &
Schubert) Bist du bei mir (You Are with Me) (Stözel) Canon in D (Pachelbel) Clair de Lune
(Debussy) Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy (Txhaikovsky) 1812 Overture (Tchaikovsky) Eine
Kleine Nachtmusik (“Serenade”) First Movement Excerpt (Mozart) The Flight of the Bumble Bee
(Rimsky-Korsakov) Funeral March of a Marionette (Gounod) Für Elise (Beethoven) Gymnopedie
No. 1 (Satie) Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring (Bach) Lullaby (Brahms) Minuet in G (Bach) Ode to
Joy (Beethoven) Piano Sonata in C (Mozart) Pie Jesu (Fauré) Rondeau (Mouret) Swan Lake
(Tchaikovsky) Wedding March (Mendelssohn) William Tell Overture (Rossini) und viele
mehr.Inhalt:1812 OvertureAirAir (Air On The G String)Allegro I RV 269 (“Spring”)Andante
CantabileAriosoAve MariaAve Maria Op. 52 No. 6Ave Verum (Jesu Word Of God
Incarnate)Badinerie (Suite No. 2)BarcarolleBist Du Bei Mir (You Are With Me)Blue Danube
WaltzBourrée In E MinorBrandenburg Concerto No. 3Brandenburg Concerto No. 5Bridal ChorusCan
CanCanon In DCaro Mio BenClair De LuneDance Of The HoursDance Of The Reed Flutes Op. 71aDance
Of The SpiritsDance Of The Sugar Plum Fairy Op. 71aEine Kleine Nachtmusik (“Romance”) Second
MovementEine Kleine Nachtmusik (“Serenade”) First Movement ExcerptEvening PrayerFanfare
RondeauFlower DuetFuneral MarchFuneral March Of A MarionetteFur Elise WoO 59Great Gate Of
KievGymnopédie No. 1HabaneraHallelujah ChorusHarmonious BlacksmithHornpipeHungarian Dance No.
5In The Hall Of The Mountain KingIntermezzoJerusalemJesu Joy Of Man's DesiringLargoLargo From
Symphony No. 9 (“New World”)Laudate DominumLiebestraum (Dream Of Love)LullabyMarchMarche Slav
Op. 31Melody In FMinuetMinuet In GMinuet In G MajorMorningOde To JoyOverturePanis Angelicus (O
Lord Most Holy)PavanePiano Concerto In A Minor Op. 16Piano Concerto No. 21 In C Major (“Elvira
Madigan”) Second Movement ExcerptPiano Sonata In C MajorPiano Sonata No. 8 “Pathetique ” 2nd
mvt.Pie JesuPolovetsian DancesPomp And CircumstancePrelude in A Major Op. 28 No. 7Prelude In
C Minor Op. 28 No. 20Romeo And Juliet (Love Theme)Rondo Alla TurcaSheep May Safely
GrazeSicilianoSinfoniaSleepers Awake (Wachet Auf)Spinning SongSymphony No. 1 In C Minor
Fourth Movement ExcerptSymphony No. 40 In G Minor First Movement ExcerptSymphony No. 40 In G
Minor Third Movement (“Minuet”)Symphony No. 5 In C Minor First Movement ExcerptSymphony No. 7
In A Major Second Movement (Allegretto)Tales From The Vienna WoodsThe Flight Of The Bumble
BeeThe Happy FarmerThe Skaters (Waltz)The Sorcerer's ApprenticeThe Surprise SymphonyThe
Unfinished Symphony (Theme)The Wild Horseman (Wilder Reiter) Op. 68 No. 8Theme From Swan
LakeTo A Wild Rose Op. 51 No. 1Toreador SongTraumereiTrumpet TuneTrumpet VoluntaryWaltz in
C-sharp minor Op. 64 No. 2Waltz Of The Flowers Op....