T. Calpurnius Siculus: A Pastoral Poet in Neronian Rome is the first ever detailed examination
of the whole of Calpurnius' pastoral corpus in English. It aims to offer an overall picture of
Calpurnius' epigonal and generically transcending poetics and meta-poetics through a thorough
comparative analysis of the generic interfaces between the bucolic host genre (as bequeathed to
Siculus from Theocritus to Vergil) and various generic modes which operate in Calpurnius'
eclogues such as epic panegyric elegiac didactic georgic. The analysis includes themes
motifs intertexts and allusion narrative sequences diction and metre as well as meta-generic
meta-poetic signs including Calpurnius' redirection and inversion of the Callimachean-neoteric
poetological meta-language. The study's interests also revolve around the ways in which
Neronian ideology and imperial politics inform the pastoral narrative and often account for the
formalistic change discerned as well as the manner in which Post-Classical diction functions as
a targeted self-conscious linguistic tell-tale of generic evolution. The book is intended for
students or scholars working on or interested in Roman pastoral and its generic evolution as
well as Neronian Literature.