Model checking is a computer-assisted method for the analysis of dynamical systems that can be
modeled by state-transition systems. Drawing from research traditions in mathematical logic
programming languages hardware design and theoretical computer science model checking is now
widely used for the verification of hardware and software in industry. The editors and authors
of this handbook are among the world's leading researchers in this domain and the 32
contributed chapters present a thorough view of the origin theory and application of model
checking. In particular the editors classify the advances in this domain and the chapters of
the handbook in terms of two recurrent themes that have driven much of the research agenda: the
algorithmic challenge that is designing model-checking algorithms that scale to real-life
problems and the modeling challenge that is extending the formalism beyond Kripke structures
and temporal logic. The book will be valuable for researchers and graduate students engaged
with the development of formal methods and verification tools. This handbook is an
authoritative comprehensive description of the state of the art in model checking. It belongs
on the bookshelf of every researcher and practitioner in computer-aided verification. [Moshe Y.
Vardi George Distinguished Service Professor in Computational Engineering Rice University]
With chapters written by the world's leading experts from academia and industry this
authoritative book on model checking should be on the shelf of every computer science graduate
student and every hardware and software engineer. As the scale and complexity of digital
systems grow and they must work in the presence of uncertainty in the physical world
verification techniques such as model checking will become increasingly important to ensure
system reliability safety and security. [Jeannette Wing Corporate Vice President Microsoft