These Proceedings report the scientific results of the Summer Study on Plural Rationality and
Interactive Decision Processes orga nized jointly by the System and Decision Sciences Program
of the Inter national Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (located in Laxenburg Austria)
and the Hungarian Committee for Applied Systems Analysis. The Study which was held in Sopron
over the period 16-26 Augus·t 1984 had a very special character. Sixty-eight researchers from
sixteen coun tr~es participated most of them contributing papers or experiments. In addition
many members of IIASA's Young Scientists Summer Program were present. All of these participants
were heavily involved in dis cussions discussions that were not limited to the allotted time
but extended well into the evenings and nights. By design the Study gathered specialists from
many disciplines from philosophy and cultur al anthropology through decision theory game
theory and economics to engineering and applied mathematics. A further element of diversity
was the representation of several varieties of culture from typically Western countries
through Middle and Eastern Europe to the Far East.