Evangelos Koumparoudis offers a unique philosophical perspective on various aspects of medical
practices in our post-consumerist society. Through an exploration of political philosophy
specifically the works of Lyotard Baudrillard Bauman and Gungov he sheds light on the ways
in which meaning and sense are produced and how mechanisms of manipulation are at play. By
drawing upon phenomenology hermeneutics and post-structuralism Koumparoudis offers a deeper
understanding of these concepts. In addition to these philosophical approaches he also
explores the intersection of neuroscience and artificial intelligence with classical
phenomenology and presents formalizations through which being can attain exteriority. By
examining Kuhn's ideas on paradigmatic shifts Koumparoudis offers insights into the two models
of medical reasoning: the biomedical and the humanistic. Moreover Koumparoudis delves into the
creation and management of Big Data in medicine and discusses the need for molecular-based
categorization. The author also explores the concept of patient safety as articulated by Gungov
and the interdisciplinary approach to medical sciences advocated by Schmid and Mambrini-Doudet.
Through the lens of Levinas and Derrida he examines the relationship between doctors and
patients. The book concludes with an examination of the idea of new forms of embodiment as they
relate to political philosophy and the posthumanist and transhumanist traditions. Overall
Koumparoudis provides a fresh and comprehensive analysis of medical practices that is sure to
appeal to scholars and researchers across various fields. A book that sheds light on how
medical practice changes in the era of high technology and digitalized infrastructure. It
combines both continental and analytic traditions to explore diverse topics ¿ such as the
mechanisms of manipulation the progress of artificial intelligence in relation to neuroscience
the models of medical reasoning the impact of big data on medicine the doctor and patient
relationship and finally the new forms of embodiment. I strongly recommend it for medical
practitioners students and anyone interested in the philosophy of medicine. ¿ Themistoklis
Pantazakos Assistant Professor in Philosophy of Psychology ACG Honorary Research Fellow UCL
A provocative and insightful work challenging us to rethink the role of medicine in a society
that values consumption over care efficiency over empathy and profit over health. Being truly
interdisciplinary this book is a must-read for anyone interested in philosophy of medicine and
its implications for ethics policy and human well-being. ¿ Stergios Aidinlis Lecturer in Law
& Programme Director MSc LLM in Law Artificial Intelligence and New Technologies at Keele
University Evangelos Komparoudis' book comprises very strong interdisciplinary insights into
various ethical dimensions related to the everydayness of the medical decision-making process
in the XX. century. ¿ Piotr Pietrzak Ph.D. Sofia University ¿St. Kliment Ohridski¿