These proceedings collect the latest research results in mechanism and machine science
intended to reinforce and improve the role of mechanical systems in a variety of applications
in daily life and industry. Gathering more than 120 academic papers it addresses topics
including: Computational kinematics Machine elements Actuators Gearing and transmissions
Linkages and cams Mechanism design Dynamics of machinery Tribology Vehicle mechanisms
dynamics and design Reliability Experimental methods in mechanisms Robotics and mechatronics
Biomechanics Micro nano mechanisms and machines Medical welfare devices Nature and machines
Design methodology Reconfigurable mechanisms and reconfigurable manipulators and Origami
mechanisms. This is the fourth installment in the IFToMM Asian conference series on Mechanism
and Machine Science (ASIAN MMS 2016). The ASIAN MMS conference initiative was launched to
provide a forum mainly for the Asian community working in Mechanism and Machine Science in
order to facilitate collaboration and improve the visibility of activities in the field. The
series started in 2010 and the previous ASIAN MMS events were successfully held in Taipei
China (2010) Tokyo Japan (2012) and Tianjin China (2014). ASIAN MMS 2016 was held in
Guangzhou China from 15 to 17 December 2016 and was organized by the South China University
under the patronage of the IFToMM and the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society (CMES). The
aim of the Conference was to bring together researchers industry professionals and students
from the broad range of disciplines connected to Mechanism Science in a collegial and
stimulating environment. The ASIAN MMS 2016 Conference provided a platform allowing scientists
to exchange notes on their scientific achievements and establish new national and international
collaborations concerning the mechanism science field and its applications mainly but not
exclusively in Asian contexts.