A dieu to maimuna|A handy ship|Blow ye winds|Boney|Can't You Dance The Polka|Clear That Ship
And Let Us Sail Away|Dan Dan|Das Sampanmädchen|De Oole Brigg|Der Seemann Liebt Das Weite
Meer|Des Seemanns Tageslauf|Down In Rio|Es gingen drei Mädchen|Fischermanns Haul|Good night
ladies|Hand O'er Hand|Haul away Joe|Haul On The Bowline|High Barbaree|Highland laddie|Home Home
Home|Hooker John|Irgendwo im Hafen|Jan Pepermint|John Kanaka|Johnny Boy|Johnny come back to
Hamburg|Kleine Seemannsbraut|La Margot|Leave her Johnny leave her|Look to the sun
boys|Lowlands|Me have got a flower boat|Paddy go back|Roll Alabama Roll|Rolling Sea|Rosabella
Fridolin|Run at the bullgin run|Salpetre Shanty|Santy Anna|Saturday Night At Sea|Schoonerbrigg
Marie|Seemannsliebe|Seemanns Trinklied|Seeräuber Ballade|Shanty an der Pumpe|Shenandoah|So
early in the morning|Spanish ladies|Susannavisan|The California Song|The Lily of the west|The
Liverpool girl|The mermaid|The plains of Mexico|The sailor likes his bottle - Oh|The whalefish
song|The wild goose shanty|Tommy's Gone To Hilo|We're all bound to go|What shall we do with the
drunken sailor|Whoop Jamboree|Winde wehn Schiffe gehn