My fair lady|Get me to the church on time|On the street where you live|With a little bit of
luck|Show me|I could have danced all night|Wouldn't it be loverly|I've grown accustomed to her
face|Camelot|Camelot|How to handle a woman|The simple joys of maidenhood|Loved you once in
silence|The lusty month of May|Follow me|If ever I would leave you|Brigadoon|Down on
MacConnachy Square|Almost like being in love|Brigadoon|Come to me bend to me|From this day
on|The heather on the hill|I'll go home with Bonnie Jean|Jeannie's packin' up|The love of my
life|There but for you go I|Waitin' for my dearie|Paint your wagon|I'm on my way|Best
things|The first thing you know|Gold fever|The gospel of no name city|I talk to the trees|I
still see Elisa|A million miles away behind the door|They call the wind Maria|Wandrin' star