03490-9 Hardcover April 22 1997 G PROTEIN METHODS AND PROTOCOLS: Role of Proteins in
Psychiatric and Neurological Disorders Edited by Ram K. Mishra McMaster University Hamilton
Ontario Canada Glen B. Baker University of Alberta Edmonton Canada Alan A. Boulton
University of Saskatoon Canada Combining the cutting-edge insights of leading basic and
clinical investigators G Protein Methods and Protocols provides both critical reviews and
detailed protocols for studying the medical role played by G proteins and signal transduction
in mental and neurological disease. The psychiatric and neurological disorders covered range
from Parkinson's disease and schizophrenia to manic depression drug addiction and mood and
anxiety disorders. The protocols contain the latest methods and techniques for G protein
analysis and application in research related to the central nervous system. This new work marks
a novel departure from books focused narrowly on the physical properties of G proteins in
isolation. By providing detailed methods and techniques this volume's front-line contributors
bring out the implications of G protein signal transduction for psychiatric and neurological
disorders. Practical and authoritative G Protein Methods and Protocols will surely prove a
major practical resource for all neurochemists neurologists molecular biologists
pharmacologists and psychiatrists seeking to study and better understand these disease states.