For educators researchers and anyone striving for personal growth and a fulfilling life! This
completely revised edition of the popular Positive Psychology at the Movies provides a unique
way to learn and appreciate what is right and best about human beings. Now with discussions of
nearly 1 500 movies dozens of 100 evocative movie images and much more! Positive psychology
is regarded as one of the most important developments in the field of psychology over the past
century. This inspiring book uses movies as a medium for learning about the latest research and
concepts such as mindfulness resilience meaning positive relationships achievement
well-being as well as the 24 character strengths laid out by the VIA Institute of Character.
Films offer myriad examples of character strengths and other positive psychology concepts and
are uniquely suited to learning about them and inspiring new ways of thinking. This book
systematically discusses each of the 24 character strengths balancing film discussion related
psychological research and practical applications. Each chapter outlines Key Concepts
Relevant Research an Exemplar from a key movie Overuse Underuse Key Enablers and Inhibitors
Practical Applications International Cinema and a Summary. Watching the films recommended in
this book will help the reader to practice the skill of strengths-spotting in themselves and
others inspiring self-improvement. Practical resources include a suggested syllabus for a
complete positive psychology course based on movies a list of suitable movies for children
adolescents and families as well as a list of questions for classroom and therapy discussions.
Positive Psychology at the Movies is conceived for educators students practitioners and
researchers but anyone who loves movies and wants to change their lives for the better will
find it inspiring and relevant. Read this book to learn more about positive psychology - and
watch these films to become a stronger person!