This textbook provides students with real-world social marketing case studies from different
countries and regions around the world taking learners from classroom theory to practice. The
primary objective is to clearly portray to students distinct identifiable steps that are
essential for successful social marketing campaigns. Core social marketing practices are
applied to each case to help students master social marketing principles and apply them to
their own real world social marketing activities in order to affect positive social change.This
textbook first provides the tools necessary to understand the effective applica- tion of social
marketing and then offers 24 case studies exemplifying effective social marketing efforts from
all around the world. Specifically Part I clearly and concisely explains the principles of
social marketing in five chapters:- Upstream vs. downstream social marketing SWOT
competition- Fundamentals of social marketing ethics- Formative and Evaluative Research-
Theories applied in social marketing- A historical perspective on social marketingPart II
features 24 social marketing case studies that demonstrate the application of social marketing
principles. All 24 cases follow a consistent structure that includes:- Background -
Positioning- SWOT - Research- Objectives - The 4 P's- Target audience - Evaluation- Barriers
and benefits - Discussion- CompetitionThis format allows for students and professors to easily
and effectively select individual cases and compare between cases. This textbook also allows
instructors to encourage critical thinking by having students compare and contrast not only the
cases themselves but the applications used. In addition teaching guides with answers to
discussion questions suggestions for activities inside and outside of the classroom and
further readings are available to assistprofessors in teaching from this book.